Query of Queries Tricks

ColdFusion’s Query of Queries is a fantastic tool. It isn’t nearly as fast as running a query on a database directly, but it serves a very useful purpose. More often than I’d care to remember, there’s a need for combining a query set from multiple datasources that have no way to talk to each other. […]


Usually, I don’t have many issues that are unix-specific when working in ColdFusion. CFEXECUTE is one of those tags that is a little more, shall we say… annoying? It’s quite common to try and execute a command line in Unix and have no result and no errors. Here’s some tips that I’ve found helpful throughout […]

Hello world!

Hello. My name is Annie, and I’m a web applications developer. I wanted to start up a blog on various development tips and tricks. Some of these tricks have taken awhile to figure out, and some were easier, but in either case, I relied on Google and the wealth of knowledge left by other developers […]